Category: Wellness

  • Everything I Know Cannabis Testing (Almost)

    What Was I thinking?

    I was a long-time cannabis patient when I started writing about cannabinoids and terpenes for an audience on Medium. I had thought it was a ‘no brainer’ to recommend that people use cannabis lab tests to determine what strains and products worked best for them. That was until I tumbled data-first into a world cloaked with science but filled with fraud. Over the next three years, I spent countless hours and too much money chasing an understanding of what was going on – and I’ve compiled everything, the best I could – into this one, monster article.

    How Does 46% THC Flower Happen

    In the midst of investigating cannabis lab issues in Oregon, I saw some flower advertised as 44% THC that was selling at $5 a gram. I’m sure you know what happened next — I had to buy it.

    Leafly search result. Brand name redacted to save me from lawsuits. Note the use of Leafly’s “Default Bud” image. Image Source: Author.

    The fact that flower with such a high percentage is selling for $5 a gram tells me that there’s something wrong with the lab result on it. It also means that the retailer didn’t carefully examine the cannabis or its paperwork on intake, or doesn’t have procedures to do so.

    43% is unreal. High testing, high quality kief is around 51%.

    And the fact it’s priced so low when THC is supposedly so prized? Says a lot!

    Bonus — it’s not even a picture of the cannabis itself — that’s Leafly’s ‘default weed’ picture.

    Obviously, when I saw this yesterday, I knew I had to get this flower. Especially when I called the shop and the budtender ‘didn’t know’ who tested it.

    I had to know. I had to know for myself who tested it and what I thought of it.

    The Label and Package

    Label read 46.46% THC vs. the 44 listed in Leafly. Sparse information. Label redacted to protect me from being sued. Image Source: Author.

    The label brings more questions than it answers.

    What regulatory system wouldn’t trigger an audit on a result like this?

    Why is this in Leafly as 43%? It’s listed in METRC as 46%!?

    There’s no Harvest Date listed which the rule stipulates there should be, so the dispensary that doesn’t check percentages too well also doesn’t check their labeling. Has this retailer never had their labels checked?

    We can derive from the Batch Number that the Harvest Date is 10/29/2021.

    But the cannabis wasn’t tested until 3/31/2022.

    What kind of a grower would grow a cannabis that they thought would break 30% , but not get it tested until five months later? These growers would have been straining everything to get this result: why wait so long to test it that it might sacrifice some of that potency?

    What Does This “46% Weed” Look Like?

    This is not great weed. And it’s certainly not 46% THC. Image Source: Author.

    Here it is with some magnification to try and find some trichomes. See how many fully formed trichomes you can find!

    This is the most I could find in one place, but here is a shot of the “46%” cannabis.

    As you can see to call this bud visually underwhelming is an understatement.

    It’s a GMO, but its nose is off, with far more garlic than any skunk or chem at all. The flavor of the vapor at lower temperatures is very garlicky, and at higher temperatures it takes on more green tones. Overall the terpenes and flavor are exhausted relatively quickly.

    Effect-wise, it’s an overall underwhelming experience if you are looking for 46%, but if you are satisfied with a nice body high that probably tests around 20%, this isn’t too bad.

    The Verdict?

    There’s literally no reason to need to lie about this cannabis.

    The fact they lied about it makes it the worst. I worry with every pull that they might have lied about pesticides or mold.

    It’s not the greatest, but it didn’t have to be the worst, and somewhere there’s a stoner that would love it.

    In other words, it would taste better if it wasn’t made of lies.

    Why doesn’t the farmer value their consumer enough not to lie? Surely the farmer knew that 46% isn’t realistic when they got the result back.

    Why did the lab director sign off on this result? Who would put their scientific credentials on the line for a result like that?

    Why don’t results like this trigger audits at the state level in the seed to sale system, if not real-time: a monthly report could have caught this already.

    Why would a dispensary buy this and sell it to their clients?

    I wanted answers – and so I dug into how cannabis testing was performed and regulated.

    Testing Issues In Oregon: A Brief History

    Testing issues have been endemic in Oregon. They were notably present since at least 2015, which was the year, the Oregonian did a massive multi-part story covering shortfalls meant to inform residents of issues within the newly forming recreational cannabis industry. Not only were there issues in pesticides getting through the testing process, but there were discrepancies in edibles results as well. In reaction to this piece, in 2016 Oregon adopted some of the most stringent testing policies in the country. However, in 2017 the Oregonian once again did independent testing and found the system to be lacking. Also, they found that the state was not performing any sort of randomized testing on their own.

    The years since have not helped labs or the state resolve these issues. In January of 2019, the Oregon Secretary of State released a document entitled “Oregon’s Framework for Regulating Marijuana Should be Strengthened to Better Mitigate Diversion Risk and Improve Laboratory Testing.” In this scathing audit, 15 recommendations are made, intending to help Oregon make up lost time in their laboratory testing standards. Reading this audit made clear that every portion of the lab and testing process had issues. Paper-bound processes constrain how labs are accredited to run tests. Unaccredited labs can subcontract tests, resulting in overtaxed accredited labs. And sampling methods were (and still are) highly suspect.

    One of the shocking deficiencies listed by the report was the lack of a reference lab. A reference lab is a third-party lab that you use to help determine the accuracy of the results of the other labs. Without a reference lab, there’s no means of calibration that the laboratories can use to ensure that their results are correct. It also found that the accreditation body for the labs was inadequately staffed and was too limited in authority to ensure they could operate effectively, in addition to having many of their processes on paper. Regulators are happy to blame their woes on the lack of this lab, but there has been nothing done to address the issue since the 2019 audit.

    The audit also recommends that tracking be added to METRC, the seed-to-sale software used in Oregon, to allow tracking of when testing is subcontracted. Currently, in addition to ‘lab shopping’ by producers, where they will take their product from lab to lab until they get the THC value they want, there is also a loophole in how the labs themselves subcontract those results. If a lab isn’t accredited to run a particular test, it can subcontract that result to a lab that can — but there is no indication that such a thing happened, nor does METRC have the facility to record such information.

    With all of these problems around rudimentary aspects of testing, such as pesticides, heavy metals, and THC — it’s no surprise that there are some nuances in terpene testing as well. If you look at the historical results of a particular strain at a particular farm over time, you can definitely see that testing capabilities have increased, which will bring the overall terpene counts and percentages to appear higher — when it’s our testing capability that has improved.

    What 250,000 THC Potency Tests Say About Oregon

    I performed a public records request and did an analysis of the 250,000 records for THC tests that the state of Oregon keeps in its Cannabis Tracking System. I quickly received four years of de-identified data in quick time, and I’m grateful to TJ Sheehy and his team who made that happen.

    The records request showed not only issues with the labs, but also issues with data collection and governance ( those are always to be expected in data sets like this). But even though it was a perfectly formatted imperfect data file, it still had a lot of relevant information and told quite a story.

    In prior stories, I wrote about research into issues with labs in Washington and Nevada by Michael Zoorob. That research gave evidence that there were issues in the labs by examining a frequency analysis and noting the ‘bump’ that occurs around 20% THC, which is a significant number for marketing.

    Here are the graphs from the Washington and Nevada Study.

    Image Source:

    Using my 20 year background in health care data analytics ( I’m even published!), I performed the same graphing on Oregon’s test results. Unlike other areas — I have expertise in this one. In this case, Oregon’s data shows the same deformation of the curve — and it’s gotten WORSE since the audit in 2019. If the state did anything meaningful to address the issue, it’s certain it hasn’t worked.

    In 2019, the plateau before 20% THC for flower is very slight.

    Frequency Distribution of THC test performed on Flower and Shake in Oregon in 2021. Image Source: Author
    Another view with tighter grouping.. Image Source: Author.

    In 2020 you can start to see the break before 20% steepen.

    Frequency Distribution of THC test performed on Flower and Shake in Oregon in 2020 Image Source: Author
    Frequency Distribution of THC test performed on Flower and Shake in Oregon in 2020 with tighter grouping. Image Source: Author

    In 2021 it gets out of hand.

    Frequency Distribution of THC test performed on Flower and Shake in Oregon in 2021. Image Source: Author
    Frequency Distribution of THC test performed on Flower and Shake in Oregon in 2021 with tighter grouping. Image Source: Author

    I heard how many thought that perhaps cannabis results wouldn’t conform to a normal curve — and yet — it’s obvious when digging into the data it’s been driven by a few. In fact, one lab in particular had at over 3% of their results over 33%.

    Note the curve doesn’t peak at 20, nor should it — the average THC concentration in Oregon is actually at 23.3 for the year of 2021. Which is exactly where this data set peaks. I am working with Michael Zoorob to confirm these findings.

    There’s one more graph that is pretty compelling. If I look at just any results that are over a ‘biologically infeasible’ result of above 36%. I’ve color-coded it by laboratory.

    Image Source: Author

    You can see other work I’ve done with the data on a public Tableau I’ve shared here.

    Oregon isn’t the only state with issues. I also did an analysis of data I received from a source in Michigan.

    Background on the Michigan Data Set

    A couple of weeks ago, I had someone reach out to me and send me a data set from Michigan, telling me that it was the result of a FOIA request of METRC data from the state. That was all of the information that I really got from them.

    The person who sent me the data did so in confidence, and I don’t want to break that confidence. But — they also have vested interests in laboratories in Michigan. I’ve contacted the state of Michigan in an attempt to validate that this was from them, but according to information in the file, it appears to be legitimate (it names a person who works as analyst for regulatory departments in Michigan). While it shows that someone from a lab edited it, it doesn’t show an actual edit to the file, and shows the time for those edits as 0 — so I believe that change was a filename change.

    File Properties. Image Source: Author.

    That said, let’s assume the data is real (it appears to either be real or a very good facsimile of a data set) — how should people, like regulators, researchers, or consumers — even start to analyze this stuff if they get it?

    The first thing I like to look at is an overall histogram and just get some generalized statistics, especially since I don’t really have the request to go on. So I looked at the dates, and I noticed that the last tests had a ‘Test Performed Date’ of 1/3/2023 (and it looks like this date is the ‘Test Completion Date’ organized by when test results are finalized through the week). It shows that the first full month the file represents is September of 2020, which means the file appears to contain at least two full years: 2021 and 2022.

    Michigan Data Source. Image Source Author

    Once I got an idea of the timespan that the file represents, I took a look at how the results conform to a normal curve. I do this by Grouping Results into their Whole Number via the ‘Floor’ function in Tableau or the ‘Trunc’ function if I’m on a database level. (this way I’m not rounding upwards and causing more of a disruption towards a higher number). Here’s what Michigan’s results look like.

    Michigan’s THC Histogram. Image Source: Author

    The curve definitely has a wee step up before plateauing, but that could just be a normal curve being a bit normal, and it bears looking into. The best, next step I’ve found is to take a look at whether or not a couple of labs are producing the most high results.

    Original Results: High THC Strains by Lab

    High THC Strains By Lab

    Much like in the Oregon data set, most of the high THC results (results for Flower that are over 35%) are being produced by two labs: Lab 1 with 27 results and Lab 14 with 17 results.

    Just because a lab has a high number of high test results doesn’t mean that the entire lab’s data is skewed. This chart looks pretty bad at first, so it’s worth checking to see if a lab that has an overall tendency to produce high results requires digging in a bit more.

    Lab 1 Results

    Let’s take a look at Lab 1’s results vs. the results of all of the other labs. I’ll separate the box and whisker plots per year.

    Lab 1 vs. Others: Lab 1 is In. Image Source: Author

    To make this chart possible, I had to eliminate some ‘noise’ at the top end of the data (there are several entries in error showing THC values above 80, etc. and I’ll explain them in a moment.), but once those values are clear, this chart makes it very easy to see that Lab 1 has higher overall THC Percentages than all of the other labs.

    Lab 1 vs. Others: No Outliers

    Lab 14 Results

    Let’s Look at Lab 14 — it will also explain that ‘noise’ we saw above: all of the ‘percentage’ values that were somehow over 100.

    Lab 14’s box and whisker vs. the other labs looks like this.

    Note that the graph is made taller by the pink dots in 2022: which are issues that are happening in Lab 14! This shows a bunch of values that are above 100 — which definitely seems like something wrong. When I dig into the data, I find the following comments on high value rows.

    This definitely shows there was an issue! Once we eliminate those API-caused high values from the graph, here’s what it looks like (and it shows that overall Lab 14’s median values are inline with the other labs). (Note that Lab 14 wasn’t around in 2020, so I went ahead and eliminated that column.)

    Now that we know Lab 14 had a bunch of API issues that shot values above 100 in some cases for Flower tests, Let’s revisit that graph that showed all of the high THC values, and eliminate those API issues and take another look.

    Updated Results: High THC Strains by Lab

    As you can see, over half of all of the high THC results are being produced by one lab.

    If this is the valid Michigan data set representing all of the THC results for a year in Michigan, it’s obvious that a large amount of the high THC values are being produced by the lab identified in the data set as Lab 1.

    Given that I was able to analyze this data relatively easily with free tools at my disposal, I can only assume that the state has similar monitoring programs in place. Wouldn’t it be great if they would regularly share their analysis, to demonstrate the health of their cannabis laboratory program?

    Prospective Analysis, Oregon: 8 Labs, 4 Samples: The Round Robin

    The ‘round robin test’ was my first effort at trying to understand what was going on. I wanted to send some samples to the labs to see what they reported. Tests like this are performed and are called proficiency tests, but several labs confided issues they had with how some of the current proficiency tests are run (such as not using cannabis, but a THC-spiked hemp sample).

    I used the public-facing information on OLCC’s website about contact information for all of the accredited labs. I then started calling and emailing the numbers associated with their registration. Initially, 20 labs agreed to test, and I was over the moon.

    Then, of course — reality set in the form of huge budgetary constraints. I talked with my state representative, who agreed that due to what I was doing, crowdfunding, etc. was off the table and he said the only legal way to approach funding was to seek it from the industry itself, unless I could self-fund. I don’t make a lot of money, and the project was going to cost thousands in various expenses — self-funding was out.

    That’s when a lab stepped in to help, and another offered as well. Most labs agreed to waive their testing costs, but it would cost the experiment its ‘blind’ nature (when dropping off the samples, the labs now knew it was related to my project).

    Once all of that happened, and I re-contacted labs to gauge their interest, given how everything had changed. A lot of them dropped out or ghosted me. There were even some that received a sample and didn’t participate. Crazy, huh?

    In the end, I have results from 8 performed on the same 4 samples of material. And I’d say that the data is pretty interesting.

    8 Labs, 4 Samples

    Sample A, B, and C were all flower. Sample A is some of the craziest flower I’ve ever EVER experienced, and I’ve actually written about it before. I even had a lab ask if it was a kiefed batch: that’s how nuts flower A is.

    Sample D was a distillate.

    For all of these samples, I had them homogenized at ChemHistory. Originally I was going to try and build my own homogenizer using some instructions from one of the labs that said they were going to participate — but once they dropped out, I felt free to just ask for some help on this one!

    Homogenization is a very important process for cannabis testing. It’s how a lab ensures that any sample is representative. This is pretty complicated for a plant like cannabis, since potency can be higher in one portion of the plant vs. another. Essentially, everything is ground into tiny bits, and those particles mixed up so much that it can be trusted to be representative of the entirety.

    One of our homogenized samples looked like this:

    Homogenized Cannabis. Image Source: Author.


    There are two sample 2’s because I typo’d the de-identification. Image Source; Author.

    Why didn’t I include THC? Because Total THC is a calculated value, and can be derived from Delta-9 + (THCA*.877).

    Summary Information:

    Image Source: Author.

    You’ll notice that in the original article where I reported this, I don’t make any conclusions or real observations about the data I’m reporting. But I’m going to say something now. For something that is such a ‘science’ there’s a lot of variability in these results. Particularly troubling is Sample C. While I’ve heard that the state has sent run tests similar to this, the fact is, this sort of one-off testing won’t be enough.

    How My Experiment Was Flawed

    Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to ‘blind’ the labs to the fact I was the one submitting cannabis for testing. First, I had to ask them for help to defray the costs. I heard that the state did similar proficiency tests recently, but the mere fact that I heard it is troublesome — the labs were easily able to identify that the samples were being run for OLCC.

    Prospective Analysis, Testing Samples in CA

    California’s cannabis market is one of the most storied. It’s no surprise that some of those tales include cannabis testing fraud. There have been many recent stories and even studies done around California’s testing issues. I thought a small scale off-the-shelf potency test would be compelling, and help to demonstrate what the issues realistically look like. I know that some are hesitant to believe direct retests by laboratories, and I hoped that a third party could help lend an eye to the situation.

    When I first pondered potency inflation, I felt the most obvious approach to detecting it would be to take a sample off the shelf to some labs and see what I found out. I wrote about doing that very thing in Oregon.

    It seems straightforward, right?

    Not exactly, but we’ll save the nuances for another post. This time, let’s focus on the exciting part — the results!

    Results of the Three Sample Test In California

    Image Source: Author

    Experiment Design

    The three samples were all pre-packaged, non-infused, pre-rolls in shrink wrap and light-resistant packaging bought from legal dispensaries in the Los Angeles area. Infused pre-rolls provide more eye-popping potency numbers, but the way they do that is by including potency-enhancing products. Non-infused pre-rolls mean the products were just made of cannabis flower, which reduces the risk of homogeneity issues when re-sampling in the lab. Each lab received roughly 10 grams of each sample to run a full compliance test.

    The samples were also all products that either linked to their original COA or listed the lab that conducted the original tests who was willing to confirm the accuracy of the tests for the THC potency results. It was important to have the original results to compare to. This requirement proved to really limit the selection, as California doesn’t require any COA information to be shared on retail packaging. There’s a genuine question of selection bias — wouldn’t the brands who list the testing information willingly also be the ones less likely to cheat? Perhaps that makes these results all the more shocking.

    In 2 out of the 3 cases, we were able to obtain products that had full CoA’s. This greatly limits understanding of the cannabinoid percentages. The issue is that this presents a reduction in granularity in our overall dataset, but is representative of the consumer experience, as it was difficult to get even this much information.

    Total THC as it appears on labels is a calculated value. △9-THC (delta-9 THC) is the psychoactive form of THC, and it’s available in the plant in small amounts. What is available in larger amounts is THCa, which is ‘tetrahydrocannabinolic acid.’ This acid is converted into △9-THC through heating, but with a loss of 12.3% in this conversion. Thus, the formula to represent the entire theoretical amount of △9-THC in a cannabis product is (delta-9- THC%) + (THCA% x 0.877).

    THC Design ‘Crescendo’ Sativa Pre-Rolls

    These prerolls were the most limited in available information. The THC Design Crescendo pre-rolls were tested by Encore. While there’s no COA, the accuracy is confirmed by Encore over email. Total THC is listed as 34.18%, and they were packaged on 2/14/2023. These measurements were taken using dry weight. Our first lab retested these at 24.06% THC, and the other retested at 25.48% THC (34% and 32% overstatement, respectively). These retests fall far outside of California’s 10% threshold. Even more troubling is the fact that at one of the labs, the pre-rolls also failed an Aspergillus test.

    Glasshouse Garlic Starship Pre-Rolls

    These pre-rolls were originally tested by BelCosta (COA). Their labeled total THC is listed as 25.1%, and they were packaged on 7/14/22. These measurements were taken using dry weight. One lab retested the sample as having 21.55% THC, and the other retested them at 22.19% THC, representing a difference of 16% or 13% — which is outside of California’s 10% threshold.

    Old Pal Tiki Punch Pre-Rolls

    Originally tested by Excelbis (COA). Their total THC is listed as 27.5327%, and they were packaged on 7/26/2022. These measurements were taken using dry weight. One lab retested the sample as having 15.4% THC, and the other test indicated 17.58% THC. The difference between the label demonstrated 78% or 56%, respectively. Both of these are very, very much outside of California’s 10% threshold.

    Built on the Shoulders of Giants: The Study Done by 2 Labs in CA

    This three sample run hasn’t been the only sort of work of this type conducted in California. One of the labs that tested for us, Anresco, was involved in a study that included 150 samples in California.

    For this study, several labs across California were frustrated with the current climate of lab testing and decided to participate in this study. Their results demonstrated that 87% of cannabis products they tested overstated THC on the label by more than 10%, and around half of them overstated THC on the label by more than 20%.

    Why Off-the-Shelf Testing is Effective

    I’ve explored the importance of off-the-shelf testing as one of many vital components to a healthy cannabis regulatory environment. Testing THC potency off-the-shelf and publishing the results helps to demonstrate the importance of off-the-shelf testing for regulators. It’s vital that these tests be run by an organization without economic incentives.

    Why These Studies Are Limited

    We’ve already demonstrated the weaknesses of proficiency testing that isn’t run blind, and these sorts of tests can only yield so much information on this scale. While information from laboratories checking products in their markets is interesting and allows them to use their resources to support these efforts, there can be economic motivation behind them doing so.

    The states need to be the ones fulfilling this role to keep the market in check. There are a variety of ways that states can support similar audit efforts, whether the regulators see fit to (1) work with legislators to establish reference labs, (2) leverage labs at their Department of Agriculture, or (3) run multi-sample proficiency tests using off-the-shelf cannabis. But it’s also important that there are disciplinary actions built into regulations that allow for penalizing those who engage in THC potency inflation, and give mechanisms to remove overstated products from shelves.

    Otherwise all of this testing would be for nothing.

    What Does This Mean for Consumers?

    These results confirm that California consumers are probably overpaying for cannabis products due to incorrect information on the label. None of the products tested met the state’s standard for being within range of THC potency on the label.

    I’ve heard a lot of people say ‘who cares if stoners don’t get as high,’ but that’s not what this is really about. It’s about consumers being misled by producers, labs, and retailers.

    My personal interest in all of this started with a couple of things — as a cannabis patient I was trying to understand what it was about cannabis that helped address my migraines and my mental health struggles with a form of PTSD known as ‘complex PTSD.’ I started journaling about cannabis trying to figure out what terpenes and cannabinoids gave me relief, and I found quickly that the information on the label was often not enough to give a complete picture. I then started to discover that in some instances, the information was even unreliable. There are many other medical patients out there like me, whose pain was used to create the cannabis industry, who are now being misled about the medicine they helped to make legal.

    I also don’t want to under-state the result that one of the pre-rolls failed for Aspergillus Flavus in the retest. It’s yet another demonstration of just how important it is for state regulators to tighten cannabis lab regulations and audit procedures.

    How Does THC Potency Inflation Happen?

    1. Sampling Cheats (Laboratory / Producer)

    Appropriate sampling procedures are designed to ensure that the sample taken from a cannabis batch is representative of that batch. The reason that I’m listing this first and foremost is — if the sampling is done incorrectly, the results will suffer at best and be rendered meaningless at worst.

    First and foremost, batch sampling can weaken the chain of custody for cannabis samplers. In most cases, the farms or producers are in control of the sample that is presented for sampling, and they can present the incorrect material for testing. This means that there is no way to guarantee that the product which is being presented for sampling is the one similar to what ends up on the shelf.

    In some states, sampling regulations leave a lot to be desired. In Oregon, batches are allowed to be kiefed. ‘Kief’ refers to the trichomes that fall off of cannabis when it is disturbed — this fine powder contains a high percentage of THC. ‘Kiefing the batch’ refers to the process of adding kief back into the batch of flower before testing.

    But farmers and producers aren’t the only ones that can manipulate samples — labs can too.

    There are different ways lab-side sampling issues happen. A sampler could be handed a bribe and a pre-prepared sample. Farmers could leave the samplers with some kief and some time. There have been accusations that farms can request a particular sampler known to sample in a way that is good for the farm.

    2. “Mathemagic” (Laboratory)

    Using Moisture % as a way to alter the number. Moisture content or moisture percentage calculations present an opportunity for THC percentage numbers to be ‘tuned.’ The impact of this little mathemagical trick is slight, but it could be enough to make flower just a bit more viable in the current (cutthroat) marketplace.

    Using a different calculation for loss on drying. There are two possible ways to calculate loss on drying:

    (moisture loss) / (wet or starting weight)

    (moisture loss) / (dry or ending weight)

    These formulas render slightly different results, and present another way that labs could make a subtle change in the THC percentage numbers. Labs aren’t always clear or consistent on which methods they use, and different methods mean you aren’t always comparing apples to apples.

    3. Spike The Sample (Laboratory / Producer)

    There are a lot of ways to spike a sample of cannabis. This behavior ranges from kiefing the batch (which is legal in some places, like Oregon) to spiking the sample with distillate.

    Luckily for regulators, each version of spiking a sample is detectable.

    Using distillate used to be a popular way of increasing the potency of flower until it became easy to detect by looking at the ratio of delta-9 THC to THCA. The use of THCA isolates is similarly detectable.

    Spiking samples to get higher potency values is a common and fast way to increase potency for selected results, especially if the state lacks effective lab audits that include off-the-shelf testing.

    4. Using a Reference Standard Known to Give High Results (Laboratory)

    A cannabis testing reference standard is used to calibrate testing equipment. Many of the best versions of reference standard material require DEA licensure. This isn’t an option for many cannabis testing laboratories, as many are federally illegal businesses. The attainable standards present imperfections that can impact the results, and in some cases this is exploited by the laboratories.

    This is a particularly powerful way that cannabis labs can manipulate THC percentages, as it could impact every result (instead of just individual samples).

    Photo by Ries Bosch on Unsplash

    5. Calibration ‘Tricks’ (Laboratory)

    Calibrating the lab equipment to accurately reflect results is an important step in creating accurate lab results. An intentional miscalibration of the machine would skew all of the results — and some states have regulations that standardize parts of the calibration.

    Most calibration ‘tricks’ could be caught during a thorough audit by regulators. There is no way to address all of the possible tricks that could be used without a comprehensive audit of the entire process, including preparation of the reference standard for calibration. States require PT tests to confirm calibration of results, but oftentimes labs know when they are being tested or are required to ‘self-audit’ their results and don’t have the results double-checked. This leaves a lot of room for potential cheating.

    This is another method that could elevate the results en masse.

    6. Incorrectly Entering Sample Weight for Calculations (Laboratory)

    A simple way to skew THC percentage is to simply enter an overall lower mass for the sample. While the equipment used to record the mass must be calibrated daily, there is nothing to prevent this, and very few labs have the equipment that interfaces this information with their lab information system, much less regulatory systems. Recording a mass around 10% lower than actual will yield roughly 10% inflation for potency.

    Say you have a 1.1 gram sample that has 1000 mg of THCA in it. 1000 mg THCA / 11000 mg sample weight = .09091 or 9.01%. If I change the sample weight to 1 gram instead, 1000 mg THCA / 10000 mg sample weight = .1 or 10%.

    7. Dry Labbing (Laboratory)

    In this instance, the lab doesn’t even bother to run the tests, and instead puts in the numbers that will satisfy their clients’ needs.

    8. Lab Shopping (Farmer / Producer)

    Many in the industry will tell tales of farmers and producers shopping product from lab to lab, seeking the sorts of THC percentages that will make their flower or product more marketable.

    9. Intentionally Overstating THC Percentage Than What is Labeled For Advertising (Retailer)

    In many states there are generous allowances in how accurately a retailer must state THC percentage. For example, California allows product labels to be within a 10% margin of error and Colorado allows up to 15%. Retailers have been accused of overstating the percentage as high as allowable by law in order to get customers in the door.

    10. Last, But Not Least: The State Doesn’t Stop Them (All Of Them — Farmer / Producer / Laboratory / Retailer)

    When regulators are incapable or unwilling to address behavior by bad actors, the impact to the market is severe. The THC percentages can spiral out of control. Unchecked manipulation of the THC percentage rendering the number meaningless and decreasing consumer confidence in the product and testing process.

    The nascent cannabis industry has demonstrated its importance to consumers and its relevance as a market. One of the arguments used to legalize cannabis was to make cannabis safe for people to consume through full testing. Unfortunately, that is a promise that the industry and its regulators have still failed to completely deliver on. It is vital that regulators set up a system of checks and balances that includes off the shelf testing and a reference laboratory to ensure that the product is safe and labels are accurate.

    They Don’t Just Lie About Potency

    What I’ve been saying for the last several months is just how if a lab will lie about potency, they’ll lie about pesticides. And it ends up, I’m right.

    In other words, the anti-science behavior of these labs could start costing people their health and lives.

    In a stipulated settlement recently released, a lab that railed to me about other cheaters, joined the coalition! And here is the stipulated settlement against them.

    From Oregon’s Stipulated Settlement.

    The synopsis states: “SYNOPSIS: — A laboratory licensee reported marijuana test samples as “passed” during a period when their equipment was not detecting certain pesticide analytes. Because ORLAP is the agency primarily responsible for overseeing laboratory certification and they elected to recertify this lab even after this issue came to light, OLCC Executive team approved this settlement reduction to a civil penalty or suspension in an effort to act in coordination with our ORLAP partners.”

    This made me laugh, but not in a ha-ha funny kind of way but that horrible empty laugh of someone who is watching something they love be destroyed. Not only does OLCC throw ORELAP under the bus for the lighter penalty, but also spells the agency’s name wrong (at least according to ORELAP’s website). With precision like that, is it a surprise I don’t totally trust them?

    From OLCC Stipulated Settlement.

    But it’s digging for more detail that breaks my heart even more. The settlement states:

    “OAR 845–025–8540(2)(a)(B), (2)(d) — From about
    October 31, 2020 to about February 11, 2021, Licensee
    and/or Licensee’s employees, agents, or representatives
    misrepresented the testing results of marijuana items to
    consumers, licensees, and/or the public when they
    discovered in September or October 2020 that quality
    control measures indicated that their equipment was
    unable to test for several types of pesticides, but
    Licensee and/or Licensee’s employees, agents, or
    representatives nevertheless issued Certificates of
    Analysis stating that the samples did not contain
    actionable levels of any of the pesticides being tested for
    and therefore that the samples passed pesticide testing,
    when in fact several of the pesticides would not have
    been able to have been detected due to the equipment

    In other words, the lab knew from October 2020 until February 2021 that their equipment was INCAPABLE of testing for pesticides, and just passed those tests anyway. And, the state of Oregon did nothing about that until 2022, when they decided that a 32 day suspension would be an appropriate recourse for intentionally endangering consumers.

    Can’t Accreditation Stop This?

    At the bottom of nearly every cannabis laboratory website is a cluster of badges indicating the accreditations and affiliations of the laboratory. While laboratories tout participation in these programs, it is rare that the purpose of them is clear to consumers. Accreditation programs like ISO-17025 or TNI are designed to demonstrate a laboratory’s competence in producing tests results that are reliable and accurate, but they were never designed to demonstrate a laboratory’s ethical integrity. Even in the best of cases, accreditation is not a substitute for strong, sensible regulation and auditing by the state.

    Cannabis legalization promised consumers that cannabis would become safe in addition to being accessible. The need for testing that would demonstrate that cannabis was free of contaminants created the rapidly developing and highly competitive cannabis testing market. Ultimately, the objective of cannabis lab testing should be to ensure that the products are free from harmful contaminants and that the potency and composition of the products meet labeling requirements for the state.

    About Accreditation

    Accreditation is the formal recognition of a laboratory’s technical competence and ability to carry out specific tests. Accreditation by a recognized accrediting body helps to demonstrate that a laboratory is capable of reliably creating accurate test results, and has standard operating procedures and quality management programs in place. Accrediting bodies are third party organizations which assess the laboratory’s quality management system, technical procedures, staff competency, and equipment calibration to ensure that the laboratory is able to produce reliable and accurate results.

    In other industries, the federal government asserts authority over manufacturing processes and consumer safety testing. For example, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) supplies Current Good Manufacturing Processes (CGMP’s). Much like accreditation programs, CGMP’s seek to assure the quality of products by requiring manufacturers to control many facets of their operations. The CGMP’s include rules around quality management systems, raw material acquisition, and operating procedures for the producers in addition to rules regarding testing laboratories. CGMP’s are a minimum set of standards that intend to give manufacturers some flexibility in determining how their processes and operations can meet those requirements.

    As cannabis is still federally illegal, the industry operates without federal infrastructure such as the FDA. This means that rules and regulations are created by the state. States often depend on the third-party accreditation process. This means that in cannabis, accreditation increases in importance.

    What Does Accreditation Examine?

    Generally, accreditation seeks to examine many facets of a laboratory’s operation in order to understand how rigorous their approach to testing is. Common areas that accreditation analyzes are:

    • Qualifications of Personnel, especially in key roles
    • Standard Operating Procedures (manual for all tests)
    • Analytical Processes
    • Proficiency Testing
    • Quality Control
    • Laboratory Security
    • Chain of Custody
    • Specimen Retention
    • Records Keeping
    • Quality Management Program
    • Results Reporting Mechanism.


    One of the most common accreditations that cannabis labs cite is ISO-17025. ISO-17025 is an internationally recognized standard for laboratory best practices that “enables laboratories to demonstrate that they operate competently and generate valid results, thereby promoting confidence in their work both nationally and around the world.” ISO, the International Organization For Standardization, is a non-government organization made up of 167 national standards bodies. The 17025 standard has had three versions, with the latest being published in 2017.

    The ISO-17025 accreditation requirements include (1) information on establishing appropriate quality management systems, (2) laboratory personnel duties and requirements, (3) the creation of a quality manual and complete manual of all processes and procedures, and (4) demonstration of a training plan for all employees and records of its implementation, in addition to more technical detail. The standard also specifies that internal audit and other quality programs must be established.

    All of these requirements are evaluated during an on-site assessment by a third party before ISO-17025 accreditation is granted to a laboratory.

    However, while adherence to standards of laboratory best practices like ISO-17025 can help to demonstrate a laboratory’s commitment to best practices, standards are ineffective at policing behavior by bad-actor cannabis labs or producers.

    Browse the map here. Image Source: Author

    Chart Data: Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Florida Hawaii Illinois Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania South Dakota Washington

    Standards Don’t Test for Lies

    Labs that are willing to inflate THC or pass products that have failed pesticide or other tests can and will continue that behavior — even at ISO-17025 accredited laboratories. For example, Washington had to shut down a lab, Praxis, that falsified over 1,200 COA’s to inflate THC results despite having their ISO-17025 certification. It’s true that ISO-17025 requires exacting processes, training programs, and quality systems, but dishonest people can always find a way around a rule if the money is good enough.

    The ISO standard includes on-site assessments, but the ISO-17025 on-site assessments are in no way blind. That means, there is no way for these auditors to guarantee that the testing procedures and processes that they evaluate are consistently run that way. We’ve discussed how important blind proficiency testing is to the cannabis industry because of its many nuances, as well as the ‘observer effect’ (the disturbance of a system or process by the act of observing it). Since the on-site assessments are scheduled they are ineffective for trying to catch bad actor labs.

    That was never the intention of the ISO-17025 accreditation! Or any accreditation. Accreditations weren’t created to stop bad actors — they’ve been created to demonstrate technical capability.

    Laboratory best practice standards such as ISO-17025 were intended to help laboratories who wanted to stand out from the crowd — those who were willing to invest in making their scientific processes conform to a higher standard. They were never meant to ‘catch’ someone in bad behaviors: that’s the job of regulators. Many states have opted to require that laboratories are ISO-17025 accredited, but it’s vital that state regulations enhance and elevate those standards and have mechanisms in place to enforce them.

    All of this has been about how things compare to what is labeled, but there’s bad news about that, too.

    A Lot of Times, What You Need to Know Isn’t On The Label

    One of the surprising things for me to discover was just how inconsistent states were in their labeling laws — and how opaque cannabis testing is for consumers seeking to understand what’s in their cannabis (and what’s not).

    Regardless of the product being sold, labeling is a primary form of communication to consumers about what they are buying. It’s key to marketing, legal compliance, and consumer safety. It’s a way to inform the consumer about what’s in the product, its effects, and information regarding risks.

    The importance of labeling for cannabis products can’t be understated. As states and regulations take time to stabilize, the onus is on the consumer to understand what businesses are trustworthy and which aren’t — especially in light of just how whacky the lab data can be.

    In a perfect cannabis testing world, cannabis testing would be centered around consumer safety.

    Dream with me for a minute.

    I imagine a market in which labs have regular, blind proficiency tests run by the state — preferably a state-run reference laboratory to support off the shelf testing, labeling would de-prioritize exact THC percentages, and full Certificate of Analysis (CoA’s) would be available on demand (either at the dispensary at time of purchase or via online lookup / QR Codes).

    Readers, we are far from that dream. Right now, there aren’t a lot of states that even require the laboratory to be listed on a label, much less require that the entire CoA be available for consumers.

    Here is the very disappointing state of play:

    There are only 8 states that require the laboratory to be listed outright on the label (though I’m unclear on the rules for testing of Low THC oil in Louisiana and Georgia). In Vermont (VT), a QR code is required, but a recent test of a QR code from VT on a recalled product came up as a dead link. In South Dakota, while the lab name isn’t required, there is only one cannabis testing lab in the state.

    Each state’s results are shown below in map view and listed in the below table (please click here for the full Tableau):

    See the full Tableau Here. Image and Data Source: Author.

    State Lab Listed on Label? Alaska Yes Arizona No Arkansas Yes California No Colorado No Connecticut No Delaware No District of Columbia No Florida No Georgia Unsure Hawaii No Illinois Yes Kentucky Yes Louisiana Unclear Maine No Maryland No Massachusetts No Michigan Yes Minnesota No Mississippi No Missouri No Montana Yes Nevada No New Hampshire No New Jersey No New Mexico No New York No North Dakota No Ohio Yes Oklahoma No Oregon Yes Pennsylvania No Rhode Island No South Dakota No, but there’s only one lab Vermont No, but requires website / QR Code Washington No West Virginia No

    Caveat Emptor

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of challenges facing cannabis laboratories as they all gun for that cash grab. Since the economic incentives for laboratories are to give results that increase marketability of cannabis, they have many ways of doing just that. This leaves consumers in a difficult place when it comes to understanding what’s in their cannabis, as even with the sparse information available on some labels it’s hard to know if the information is trustworthy. Many states still haven’t availed themselves of tools at their disposal that could calibrate the playing field and protect consumers — simply because the lack of economic upside is not in line with their corporate interests. That must change.

    Something’s Gotta Give

    There are going to be lawsuits. There are going to be more honest labs that are run out of business. Dishonest labs will continue to use every method in the book to cheat the numbers as much as they like — including hijacking efforts to stop them.

    This will escalate, because cannabis is a huge, burgeoning industry, and testing is an economic gatekeeper to riches. With each inflated or improper result, consumer confidence in science will wane. The longer regulators wait to take any sort of appropriate action, the worse the situation will become.

    Sources and Further Reading

    Manipulation of Procurement Contracts: Evidence from the Introduction of Discretionary Thresholds by Ján Palguta and…

    The frequency distribution of reported THC concentrations of legal cannabis flower products…

    Background Cannabis laboratory testing reliability is a scientific and policy challenge in US states with legal…

    Leading Cannabis Platform Providers Form Open Standards Technology Alliance in State of Washington

    The frequency distribution of reported THC concentrations of legal cannabis flower products…

    Background Cannabis laboratory testing reliability is a scientific and policy challenge in US states with legal…

    Variation in cannabis potency and prices in a newly legal market: evidence from 30 million cannabis…

    Cannabis Lab Testing Continues to Evolve in Washington | Continuing Education

    The cannabis industry in Washington State has gone through a considerable evolution since the first recreational store…

    Manipulation of Procurement Contracts: Evidence from the Introduction of Discretionary Thresholds

    Manipulation of Procurement Contracts: Evidence from the Introduction of Discretionary Thresholds by Ján Palguta and…

    40% THC Flower?! How Lab Shopping and THC Inflation Cheat Cannabis Consumers

    A landmark Leafly review finds endemic lab shopping and THC inflation in legal cannabis, five years into…

    Do You Know What’s in Your “Legal” CBD or THC Vape?

    It’s been more than two years since frightening stories of young people rushed to emergency rooms with severe breathing…

    Can Washington fix its broken cannabis lab testing system?

    Nearly five years after the first legal sales of adult-use cannabis in Washington, lawmakers and regulators seem to…

    Hemp’s stumbles reveal hurdles in Wyoming’s race to diversify — WyoFile

    How Fraud is Proliferating in The Cannabis Testing Market

    The Inflated THC Crisis Plaguing California Cannabis

    California’s $11 million cannabis lab is off to a rocky start

    What’s The Matter With California Cannabis?

    Let’s Learn About Cannabis Storage!

  • Aspergillus and Cannabis : History of Aspergillus

    Before I start on what’s going to be a very long and very intense series of stories about state cannabis regulations about Aspergillus, I want to say a few things.

    I’ve written about this before. In fact, I’ve written about it more than once, but the first article I wrote caused my email (and other social media) to be filled with bullying and vitriol from several Oregon cannabis farmers and others within the industry. The more I looked at the toxic discourse around this issue, the less I wanted to say anything more about it.

    I don’t make a living from cannabis, I am not in the industry, and even if I was — it wouldn’t be worth the personal harassment I’ve endured.

    But Vin Deschamps, a personal friend who owns 54 Green Acres Farm, an organic cannabis farm in Southern Oregon, asked me (twice) to do a more thorough dive on all the issues. 54 Green Acres has embarked on a journey to prevent Aspergillus and other microbial contaminants by investing in both their dry and cure spaces and are reevaluating all of their processing procedures.

    Let me call out my own bias before I set it aside — I am a registered medical cannabis patient, which I use for CPTSD and migraines. I also have auto-immune issues (which is not the same as being immunocompromised, but it’s also not far off). I vaporized cannabis for the past several years, and almost exclusively from 54 Green Acres. As far as I know, I’ve never gotten sick from that cannabis.

    There’s my bias. I have a friend who is a farmer, and I myself am a medical patient. I will make every effort to set these biases aside in this series of articles, but I want any reader to be aware of just exactly where I’m coming from.

    I will not be giving my opinion on the facts I state, instead I seek to lay out all of the things that I know (and call out the things that I don’t) about Aspergillus and cannabis.


    I plan to only review what is known about these issues, and as I said, I will remove my own bias by keeping my opinion on these facts out of the discussion. The articles are the following:

    History of Aspergillus (This Article)

    Cannabis and Aspergillus: A Medical Literature Overview.

    How is Cannabis being tested and regulated for the presence of Aspergillus?

    What’s a Farm to Do? Information on Prevention and Remediation

    Case Study in Oregon: An Organic Oregon Farm Engaging in Aspergillus Prevention

    This article was originally published on my Medium account, to an audience of cannabis medical patients and connoisseurs that follow me there. If you want to read the articles before I post them here, it’s a good idea to follow me there.

    To understand the intersection of Aspergillus and cannabis, I think it’s important to understand what it is, and what we know about it. So let’s have a brief history lesson!

    What is Aspergillus?

    Historical Overview

    Let’s go back to science class and remember a touch of nomenclature — Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, right? Well, aspergillus is a genus of the kingdom Fungi. They are of the division / phylum of Ascomycota, a division which is so named for its sacs (Greek, ascus) in which its non-mobile spores are formed. It is of the class Eurotiomycetes, which indicates a fruiting body. Its order, Eurotiales, identifies it as a green or blue mold. Its family, Trichocomaceae, indicates its an aggressively colonizing saprobe, which means that it feeds off of decaying matter.

    The aspergillus genus itself contains hundreds of species of Aspergillus, but fewer than 20 -40 (estimates vary) are considered pathogenic, meaning only a relative few have been proven to make humans sick. Aspergillus fumigatus is the one most commonly linked to illness. It’s important to remember that science, by its nature, is constantly evolving in knowledge. Put a pin in that, we’ll be back to it.

    This media comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Public Health Image Library (PHIL), with identification number #300. Image in Public Domain,

    Aspergillus was identified in 1729 by botanist Pier Antonio Micheli, who is credited with discovering mushroom spores. He also happened to discover Botrytis, another fungus that impacts cannabis. Micheli, who was born to parents of very modest means (he was described as “illiteratus et pauper”) also happened to be a priest, which is explains why Aspergillus is named for an aspergillum, or holy water sprinkler (as he felt its shape resembled one.) His illustrated work, Nova plantarum genera, describes 1900 different species, most of which had not been discovered or discussed previously.

    An Aspergillum. By SCHREIBMAYR — Creative Commons licensing.

    There are over 200 species of Aspergillus — many of which are beneficial. In Asia, Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus sojae had been put to use for centuries in the creation of sake (rice wine), miso (soy bean paste), and shoyu (soy sauce). Fungal production of citric acid dates back to the 19th century — and in 1917 James Currie perfected the use of Aspergillus nigerto create citric acid. Aspergillus terreus is also famous for what it produces — the statin Lovastatin (Mevacor). An enzyme produced by Aspergillus niger is used to produce ‘Beano.’ It’s obvious from the myriad of applications that many species of Aspergillus aren’t harmful at all — in fact they’re quite beneficial.

    Not all of them are helpful, and the ones that aren’t can be wicked.

    The first case of an Aspergillus-related infection was actually observed in 1789, during the French Revolution. A 22 year old solider named Jacques Thibault experienced severe facial pain and ‘elevation of his cheekbone and protrusion of his right eye.’ He was admitted to Paris Hospital, where the fungus was cauterized several times as it had started to fill his mouth cavity and entirely filled his right nostril. After a surgery and several more cauterizations with a branding iron, the fungus finally did not return. He was able to leave the hospital 134 days later.

    It was in 1842 when John H. Bennet would describe pulmonary aspergillosis, where he noted a fungus in the lungs of a patient during a post-mortem. In 1856, Rudolf Virchow discovered that the aspergilli that had made animals sick was similar to cases of human disease he had observed. Aspergillus fumigatus, the most pathogenic of the Aspergillus species, was observed and described by J. B. Georg W. Fresenius in 1863. It was identified as an infection in birds, specifically Ovis tarda (The Great bustard), and it was in this work that the term ‘aspergillosis’ was first coined. In 1897, the first occupational aspergillosis cases were identified, mainly among squab feeders (people who would masticate grain for pigeons and then force it into their beaks) and wig cleaners. It was also in this year that the first book on Aspergillosis was published by Louis Renon. The book noted the rarity of the infection, and covered the disease’s impact on animals before describing it in humans, where he concluded it could be both a primary and a secondary infection. He also identified Aspergillus fumigatus as the most pathogenic species, a view shared by his contemporary, Thomas Rothwell (who was examining Aspergillus in skin infections). It was also around this time that due to the similarity between pulmonary aspergillosis and pulmonary tuberculosis, doctors started to take note. They needed to be able to differentiate between the two to effectively treat their patients.

    Humphry Rolleston, an English physician who specialized in pulmonary tuberculosis, published information on pulmonary aspergillosis in 1898. He specified that it was a disease mainly associated with millers, agricultural laborers, and anyone who worked with / processed contaminated grains. He also stated that Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus niger could infect the ears and skin in addition to the lungs.

    For the next several decades, the focus on Aspergillus was on its proficiency in the creation of antibiotics and food production. Research expanded into fermentation, industrial applications, and was of huge interest to industrial chemists (who named the fungi ‘cell factories’), especially after the discovery of penicillin. By the end of the 1930’s, fungal spores were recognized as allergens.

    It was in 1945 that James Duncan discussed aspergillosis as part of his fungal disease survey. Specifically he mentioned how it related to pulmonary aspergillosis and ‘farmer’s lung.’ A brief time later, in France, ‘Aspergillomas’ were discovered in lung x-rays — essentially aspergillus fungus balls found in the empty cavities found within the lungs of recovering tuberculosis patients — cavities formed by the healed tuberculosis lesions. The population of recovering tuberculosis patients was expanding due to the effectiveness of triple antibiotic treatment. Further investigation showed similar Aspergillomas in the lungs of other patients recovering from serious lung chronic lung conditions such as histoplasmosis and cavitating lung cancer.

    We were still learning about fungi! Until around this time, the 1950’s, mycology was considered to be part of botany and fungi wouldn’t be recognized as a separate scientific kingdom until 1969.

    But it was 1960 that brought another lens to focus on Aspergillus — and it had to do with the deaths of over 100,000 turkeys in the south of England. The outbreak spread into other avian populations such as ducks and pheasants, but the entire incident went largely unnoticed by the press because of a viral outbreak among birds at the time. Experiments demonstrated that the disease mainly affected the liver, and that if the feed being used (groundnuts) was fed to rats similar symptoms appeared. In 1961 Unilever Research Laboratories (yes, that Unilever!), the major importer and processor of groundnuts, found that a toxin produced by Aspergillus flavus was to blame — and called it an ‘aflatoxin.’ Four aflatoxins were identified as part of this work and was able to identify Aflatoxin B1 as the most toxic, and it was linked to acute hepatitis, immunosuppression, and hepatocellular carcinoma.

    What followed was called the ‘mycotoxin Gold Rush.’ Researchers raced to understand aflatoxins, and the American Society for Microbiology met on the topic in 1965. Scientists decided it was vital to understand the problem further in order to get a handle on its impact on issues like food storage.

    In 1965, The aflatoxin scare inspired Samuel Asper and Andrew Heffernan to perform an intensive review of people diagnosed with aspergillosis from 1941 to 1963. They found it was relatively rare, and reviewed 26 autopsies, and were seeking to see if there was a higher incidence of liver disease in those cases. When they failed to make a correlation, they looked instead to the overall incidence of aspergillosis to see if there was an overall rise in cases, which they found.

    Figure 5.1Incidence of fungal infections (including aspergillosis) found at autopsy at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1941–1963.

    What was most interesting to them, however, was the increase in incidence in leukemia patients, especially as treatment regimens grew more intense. They said, “It may well be, as others have suggested, that unique forms of therapy for leukemia, which alter host-parasite relationships, are the factors responsible for the increasing incidence of aspergillosis. In the weeks before death, all the leukemic patients had received antibiotics and steroids and all but one had received cytotoxic agents.” Another literature review supported this finding mycoses in leukemia patients to be between 14% — 30%, and they speculated that antileukemic drugs could increase a leukemia patient’s susceptibility to infections’ In the 1970’s, the research of Richard Meyer and Memorial-Sloan Kettering found that ’41 per cent of the patients who died with acute leukemia had evidence of aspergillosis’. This is why aspergillosis is thought of as a ‘Disease of Modern Technology.’

    This prompted physicians to look for better diagnostic methods — because of the ubiquity of Aspergilli, sputum tests could only be use to indicate the possibility of infection. Instead, they looked for antibodies in blood serum. It still presented issues, especially with possible environmental contamination, but seemed to be a far better indication.

    Renal transplant patients were also identified as being at risk, and while aspergillosis was low in incidence among this patient population, it was high in mortality. Heart transplant patients were also susceptible, and the third heart transplant patient in Britain died of aspergillosis. Even though Amphotericin B had been identified as an effective treatment at this point, many doctors were reluctant to prescribe it because of the harshness of the treatment.

    As the disease profile of aspergillosis grew throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s, so too did treatment options, but diagnosis remained a problem until a breakthrough method using the sugars produced by Aspergillus. Unfortunately, the medications were still only ‘gave complete cures’ in 27% of the patients.

    Remember when I said science was still evolving? Well, for over 145 years, it was thought that Aspergillus fumigatus was an asexual reproducer, until a sexual cycle was discovered in 2008. Sit with that for a moment — it took over 100 years after discovery to determine that Aspergillus fumigatus was pathogenic — and around 250 years since its discovery to even understand that it had a sexual cycle.

    Despite the fact that Aspergillus has gained attention due to technological innovations in medical science and our deepening understanding of it, we didn’t even fully understand how the most pathogenic species of Aspergillus reproduced until 15 years ago — and we’re still learning!


    History of Aspergillus

    Aspergillus: A primer for the novice

    How a fungus shapes biotechnology: 100 years of Aspergillus niger research

    Aspergillus website, University of Manchester

    Ecology of aspergillosis: insights into the pathogenic potency of Aspergillus fumigatus and some other Aspergillus species

    Aspergillus species in indoor environments and their possible occupational and public health hazards — PMC

    Micheli, Pier Antonio

    Aspergillus fumigatus and Related Species

    Gerog Fresenius and the species Aspergillus fumigatus

    Rudolf Virchow

    Invasive aspergillosis in an immunocompetent host

    Fungal Disease in Britain and the United States 1850–2000: Mycoses and Modernity , specifically Chapter 4: Endemic Mycoses and Allergies and Chapter 5: Aspergillosis A Disease of Modern Technology

    Mycotoxins — PMC

    Aspergillosis complicating Neoplastic Disease

    Moselio Schaechter, ‘Pier Antonio Micheli, The father of modern mycology: A paean’, McIlvainea, 2000.

    Wikipedia on the Scientific Nomenclature:

  • Aspergillus and Cannabis: A Medical Literature Overview

    Cannabis and Aspergillus: A Medical Case Study Synopsis

    I’m going to start this by stating that I am not a doctor, and the reason that I have linked all of the studies that I’m using is so that people can find and read these articles for themselves. Where possible I will use abstracts to guide the analysis, when it’s not I will try my best to de-jargonify the paper’s findings. They are sorted by date, starting with the most recent research first.

    June 2020: Cannabis Use and Fungal Infections in a Commercially Insured Population by Kaitlin Benedict, George R. Thompson, and Brendan R. Jackson

    The paper authors, who are from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and University of California Davis Medical Center used the 2016 IBM MarketScan Research Databases to examine patient interactions for over 27 million 27 million employees, dependents, and retirees throughout the United States. Using International Classification of Disease codes (ICD10), they looked for information at the intersection of a history of cannabis use in addition to other diagnostic information.

    According to the paper’s abstract, they found that persons who used cannabis were 3.5 (95% CI 2.6–4.8) times more likely than persons who did not use cannabis to have a fungal infection in 2016.

    “Persons who use cannabis were more likely than persons who did not use cannabis to have mold infections (0.03% vs. 0.01%; OR 3.4, 95% CI 2.1–5.3, aOR 4.6, 95% CI 2.9–7.4) and other fungal infections (0.04% vs. 0.02%; OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.4–3.3, aOR 2.9, 95% CI 1.9–4.5)… Among patients with fungal infections, persons who used cannabis were significantly younger than persons who did not use cannabis (median age 41.5 years vs. 56.0 years; p<0.001), more likely to be immunocompromised (43% vs. 21%; p<0.001), more likely to be hospitalized on the fungal infection diagnosis date (40% vs. 13%; p<0.001), and more likely to have tobacco use codes (40% vs. 9%; p<0.001)”

    Aspergillus has a specific ICD-10 Code section, B44, and these codes were used in addition to cannabis use codes in the database. It is noted that cannabis use is often ‘greatly’ underreported to physicians by patients. The table of data is here, and it shows that the greatest incidence of fungal infection in cannabis users that were part of the research is for Aspergillus.

    November 2015: Chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis in a patient with diabetes and marijuana use by Tamara Leah Remington , Jeffrey Fuller, Isabelle Chiu

    Chest pain and shortness of breath brought a 29 year old with type 1 (juvenile) diabetes to the emergency room. While initially the patient did not think they had any other symptoms, he did recall night sweats, fever, weight loss, and a general feeling of being unwell for around a year. In addition to insulin, the patient was taking a proton pump inhibitor, which inhibits proton pumps from producing too much acid in the stomach (pantoprazole). The patient vaporized cannabis, acquired from the same dealer from the illicit market, daily for diabetic neuropathy for the last 18 months, in addition to occasional oxycodone.

    Around 18 months prior to admission was when initial symptoms of neuropathy presented, and he had this experience for around 6 months before being diagnosed with diabetes (around a year prior to admission), and he was also found to have diabetic retinopathy. Two months later (and 10 months before his presentation at the emergency room), he had been diagnosed with community-acquired pneumonia, and have evidence of abnormal growths (infiltrate) in the lower-left lobe of his lungs. No follow up x-rays were taken. Computerized tomography of his abdoment that was performed for unrelated issues did reveal evidence of ongoing issues in the lower left lung (consolidation). Physical examination was relatively normal except for evidence of decreased air entry to the base of his left lung.

    A radiograph and computerized tomography of the lungs showed a pneumothorax and air space disease in the lower left lung. A chest tube did not relieve the symptoms. Video-assisted thorascopic surgery showed diffuse pleural adhesions. As the surgery was both diagnostic and therapeutic, decortication (removal of fibrous tissues around the lung) and a wedge resection (removal) of some of the lower left lung tissue was performed.

    The tissue samples from the wedge resection grew a Penicillium species, a non-sporulating fungus…and Aspergillus fumigatus. Blood tests were largerly normal, and revealed that the patient’s immunoglobulins (antibodies) were also normal except for a mildly low level of immunoglogulin G4, which can indicate infection in the respiratory system, stroke in the circulatory system, or possible damage to the kidneys in the urinary system.

    The pneumothorax resolved after surgery and the patient was given a six month course of voriconazole, an oral medication for serious fungal or yeast infections. His symptoms resolved, and the resolution was confirmed by radiography tests. Cultures from his cannabis grew Penicillium species, Aspergillus versicolor and Aspergillus ochraceus. His vaporizer, however, did not grow any fungal species.

    It is believed that the fungal infection began one year earlier, when the patient had been diagnosed with diabetes – the presence of retinopathy and neuropathy might indicate the patient had a prolonged period of hyperglycemia. Diabetes is a mild immunosuppressive disease, which makes it a risk factor for chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis.

    This case study caused two responses from other Canadian doctors.

    One commented that “Part of Health Canada’s responsibility is to assure consumers that the dried cannabis they purchase from our licensed commercial producers is safe and free from such contaminants. Some of these producers irradiate their cannabis specifically for immunocompromised patients, eliminating the risk of spore inhalation.”

    The other stated, “As respirologists, we would like to bring to the attention of all health care workers and administrators the other effects of inhaled marijuana on the respiratory system, whether irradiated for Aspergillus spores or not. We are seeing a growing number of patients being assessed by bronchoscopy who are marijuana smokers, including one young adult with a cavitating lesion in the right upper lobe associated with hemoptysis for which no other cause was found. . .If legalization does occur, a strong case should be made for legalizing only noninhaled forms.”

    February 2001: Early invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in a leukemia patient linked to aspergillus contaminated marijuana smoking by M Szyper-Kravitz, R Lang, Y Manor, M Lahav

    This paper details the medical case of a 46 year old patient who presented with fever, chills, and a dry cough. He was started on broad-spectrum antibiotics. His x-rays and physical examination came back normal, but his hematological evaluation revealed acute myeloid leukemia, and induction therapy (aimed at reducing the number of plasma cells) was started in addition to antibiotics. His condition began to worsen, with spiking fever, chills so bad they shook his body, rapid breathing, and low levels of oxygen in the blood (hypoxemia). Blood and sputum samples came back negative for bacteria and fungi. A chest CT indicated abnormal growths (focal nodular infiltrates) in the lung.

    An investigation of the patient’s circumstances revealed that the patient smoked daily from a hookah mixing tobacco and cannabis. While waiting for the results of legionella and fungi tests performed on cultures from the hookah water and tobacco, physicians started the patient on antifungal therapy with amphotericin B. The fever and hypoxemia resolved after 72 hours on the medication. The cultures taken from the tobacco came back positive for heavy growth of ‘Apsergillus species’ (the exact species was unspecified).

    The authors state: “We suggest that habitual smoking of Aspergillus-infested tobacco and marijuana caused airway colonization with Aspergillus. Leukemia rendered the patient immunocompromised. . . Physicians should be aware of this potentially lethal complication of “hookah” and marijuana smoking in immunocompromised hosts.”

    May 2008 Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis associated with marijuana use in a man with colorectal cancer by David W Cescon , Andrea V Page, Susan Richardson, Malcolm J Moore, Scott Boerner, Wayne L Gold

    January 2001, with Update in May, 2007: Fungal contamination of tobacco and marijuana (UpdateD)by P E Verweij, J J Kerremans, A Voss, J F Meis

    This letter establishes that “Invasive aspergillosis remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients, including transplant recipients and those treated for hematological malignancy…However, the risk of invasive aspergillosis associated with tobacco or marijuana smoking is unclear.” The authors, all microbiologists from the Netherlands, examined 98 cigarettes from 14 brands and 7 samples of cannabis.

    They created an apparatus to ‘smoke,’ and then measured the amount of four species of aspergillus, whether or not the culture was positive for mold, and penicillium. The results of their tests are below.

    April 1986: Possible risk of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis with marijuana use during chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer by Sharon Sutton, Bert L. Lum, and Frank M. Torti

    A 60 year old with a history of limited stage small cell lung cancer presented at the hospital with skin lesions, 80 pound weight loss, and ‘progressive debilitation.’ 15 months prior to the hospitalization the patient had been diagnosed with a node on his lung, but before that he had enjoyed good health. The small cell lung cancer, limited to the upper lobe of the right lung and a regional lymph node, was treated by removal of the mass, chemotherapy, and prophylactic cranial radiation. The patient’s side effects of nausea, vomiting, and weight loss were not controlled by standard pharmaceutical protocols, so after six cycles of chemotherapy the patient began smoking three to four ‘marijuana cigarettes’ a day to find relief through the rest of his treatments.

    Two months before presenting to the hospital, his treatment was considered complete, which was after 12 cycles of chemotherapy. Ten days before he was admitted, fluid filled sacs (cutaneous vesicles) started to appear, thought to be herpes zoster. Two days before he arrived at the hospital cutaneous lesions appeared on his torso and extremities. Routine labs and physical examination came back normal but a chest x-ray showed possibilities of infection processes, such as inconsistent densities of the lung lining and nodes.

    After 8 days in the hospital, the patient’s condition deteriorated, and he began to have a fever in addition to more abnormal growths within the lung. Tests of his sputum indicated Klebsiella pneumonia, Streptococcus pneumonia, and Candida, and the patient was started on antimicrobial and systemic antifungal therapy. On day 18 in the hospital, the patient died.

    Post mortem examination had no evidence of carcinomas in the lung, but instead revealed necrotizing aspergillus pnemonia.

    May 1975: Pulmonary Aspergillosis, Inhalation of Contaminated Marijuana Smoke, Chronic Granulomatous Disease by M J Chusid, J A Gelfand, C Nutter, A S Fauci

    In this letter published to Annals of Internal Medicine the four authors recount the case of a 17 year old boy with a genetic disease, chronic granulomatous disease (CGD). CGD causes white blood cells to be unable to kill certain bacteria and fungi. Increased susceptibility to infection is expected with such a disease.

    Two weeks before hospital admission, the patient noted some ‘malaise’ that set in 12 hours after “smoking several pipefulls of marijuana that had been buried in the earth for ‘aging.’” A few days later, he developed a cough, and night sweats. When he was physically examined at the hospital, it was unremarkable except for an elevated breath rate of 32 respirations per minute (12 – 18 is normal for an adult). His temperature was slightly elevated at 101 degrees, A chest x-ray did show abnormality, and his blood results showed some signs possible signs of infection / disease (Leukocyte count was 8500/mm3 with 65 % segmented neutrophils, 8% bands, and 5 % eosinophils. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 50 mm / min).

    Repeated sputum and blood tests came back negative for bacterial and fungal pathogens, and was also negative for tuberculosis. This lead to an open thoracotomy, and the biopsy tested positive for Aspergillus fumigatus.

    The patient received intravenous amphotericin B and prednisolone every 8 hours for the next 5 days, and his partial pressure of oxygen values, which measure the effectiveness of the lungs in transporting oxygen to the blood, improved from a low of 38 returned to a nominal range (normally 75-100 in healthy patients).

    Cultures later taken from the cannabis and the pipe the patient used came back positive for various fungi, with heavy growth of Aspergillus fumigatus. The authors followed up by testing 10 samples of marijuana from the DEA, and cultures from 2 of the samples grew Asperigllus fumigatus. The author’s conclusions were ” The present case shows that marijuana may at times be
    contaminated with Aspergillus fumigatus, and is thus a potential hazard to individuals predisposed to Aspergillus infection. For normal individuals such exposure is probably of little practical significance.”

    Pulmonary consequences of marijuana smoking

    A 56-year-old woman with COPD and multiple pulmonary nodules


    Successfully treated invasive pulmonary aspergillosis associated with smoking marijuana in a renal transplant recipient

    Aspergillosis and marijuana. Annals of Internal Medicine.

    Chronic necrotising pulmonary Aspergillosis in a marijuana addict: a new cause of amyloidosis.

    Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in an immunocompetent, heavy smoker of marijuana with emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    Up in smoke: An unusual case of diffuse alveolar hemorrhage from marijuana

    Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis associated with smoking moldy marihuana

    Aspergillus: an inhalable contaminant of marihuana

    Fatal aspergillosis associated with smoking contaminated marijuana, in a marrow transplant recipient.

    Pulmonary aspergillosis, inhalation of contaminated marijuana smoke, chronic granulomatous disease.

    Aspergillus nodules; another presentation of Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis

    Aspergillosis Presenting as Multiple Pulmonary Nodules in an Immunocompetent Cannabis User

    Disseminated aspergillosis in an HIV-positive cannabis user taking steroid treatment

    Fatal Early-Onset Aspergillosis in a Recipient Receiving Lungs From a Marijuana-Smoking Donor: A Word of Caution

    Cigarette smoke, bacteria, mold, microbial toxins, and chronic lung inflammation

    Cannabis contaminants: sources, distribution, human toxicity and pharmacologic effects

    Aspergillus: An Inhalable Contaminant of Marihuana

    Marijuana smoking and fungal sensitization

    Chronic necrotising pulmonary aspergillosis in a marijuana addict: a new cause of amyloidosis

    Rapid Complete Recovery From An Autism Spectrum Disorder After Treatment of Aspergillus With The Antifungal Drugs Itraconazole And Sporanox

    Pulmonary aspergillosis in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

  • Cannabis Labs Vs Cannabis Science

    Something’s Gotta Give, and it Will Be Consumer Faith in Science.

    Testing Issues In Oregon: A Brief History of How We Got Here

    Testing issues have been endemic in Oregon. They were notably present since at least 2015, which was the year, the Oregonian did a massive multi-part story covering shortfalls meant to inform residents of issues within the newly forming recreational cannabis industry. Not only were there issues in pesticides getting through the testing process, but there were discrepancies in edibles results as well. In reaction to this piece, in 2016 Oregon adopted some of the most stringent testing policies in the country. However, in 2017 the Oregonian once again did independent testing and found the system to be lacking. Also, they found that the state was not performing any sort of randomized testing on their own.

    The years since have not helped labs or the state resolve these issues. In January of 2019, the Oregon Secretary of State released a document entitled “Oregon’s Framework for Regulating Marijuana Should be Strengthened to Better Mitigate Diversion Risk and Improve Laboratory Testing.” In this scathing audit, 15 recommendations are made, intending to help Oregon make up lost time in their laboratory testing standards. Reading this audit made clear that every portion of the lab and testing process had issues. Paper-bound processes constrain how labs are accredited to run tests. Unaccredited labs can subcontract tests, resulting in overtaxed accredited labs. And sampling methods were (and still are) highly suspect.

    One of the shocking deficiencies listed by the report was the lack of a reference lab. A reference lab is a third-party lab that you use to help determine the accuracy of the results of the other labs. Without a reference lab, there’s no means of calibration that the laboratories can use to ensure that their results are correct. It also found that the accreditation body for the labs was inadequately staffed and was too limited in authority to ensure they could operate effectively, in addition to having many of their processes on paper. Regulators are happy to blame their woes on the lack of this lab, but there has been nothing done to address the issue since the 2019 audit.

    The audit also recommends that tracking be added to METRC, the seed-to-sale software used in Oregon, to allow tracking of when testing is subcontracted. Currently, in addition to ‘lab shopping’ by producers, where they will take their product from lab to lab until they get the THC value they want, there is also a loophole in how the labs themselves subcontract those results. If a lab isn’t accredited to run a particular test, it can subcontract that result to a lab that can — but there is no indication that such a thing happened, nor does METRC have the facility to record such information.

    With all of these problems around rudimentary aspects of testing, such as pesticides, heavy metals, and THC — it’s no surprise that there are some nuances in terpene testing as well. If you look at the historical results of a particular strain at a particular farm over time, you can definitely see that testing capabilities have increased, which will bring the overall terpene counts and percentages to appear higher — when it’s our testing capability that has improved.

    What 250,000 THC Potency Tests Say About Oregon

    I performed a public records request and did an analysis of the 250,000 records for THC tests that the state of Oregon keeps in its Cannabis Tracking System. I quickly received four years of de-identified data in quick time, and I’m grateful to TJ Sheehy and his team who made that happen.

    The records request showed not only issues with the labs, but also issues with data collection and governance ( those are always to be expected in data sets like this). But even though it was a perfectly formatted imperfect data file, it still had a lot of relevant information and told quite a story.

    In prior stories, I wrote about research into issues with labs in Washington and Nevada by Michael Zoorob. That research gave evidence that there were issues in the labs by examining a frequency analysis and noting the ‘bump’ that occurs around 20% THC, which is a significant number for marketing.

    Here are the graphs from the Washington and Nevada Study.

    Image Source:

    Using my 20 year background in health care data analytics ( I’m even published!), I performed the same graphing on Oregon’s test results. Unlike other areas — I have expertise in this one. In this case, Oregon’s data shows the same deformation of the curve — and it’s gotten WORSE since the audit in 2019. If the state did anything meaningful to address the issue, it’s certain it hasn’t worked.

    In 2019, the plateau before 20% THC for flower is very slight.

    Frequency Distribution of THC test performed on Flower and Shake in Oregon in 2021. Image Source: Author
    Another view with tighter grouping.. Image Source: Author.

    In 2020 you can start to see the break before 20% steepen.

    Frequency Distribution of THC test performed on Flower and Shake in Oregon in 2020 Image Source: Author
    Frequency Distribution of THC test performed on Flower and Shake in Oregon in 2020 with tighter grouping. Image Source: Author

    In 2021 it gets out of hand.

    Frequency Distribution of THC test performed on Flower and Shake in Oregon in 2021. Image Source: Author
    Frequency Distribution of THC test performed on Flower and Shake in Oregon in 2021 with tighter grouping. Image Source: Author

    I heard how many thought that perhaps cannabis results wouldn’t conform to a normal curve — and yet — it’s obvious when digging into the data it’s been driven by a few. In fact, one lab in particular had at over 3% of their results over 33%.

    Note the curve doesn’t peak at 20, nor should it — the average THC concentration in Oregon is actually at 23.3 for the year of 2021. Which is exactly where this data set peaks. I am working with Michael Zoorob to confirm these findings.

    There’s one more graph that is pretty compelling. If I look at just any results that are over a ‘biologically infeasible’ result of above 36%. I’ve color-coded it by laboratory.

    Image Source: Author

    You can see other work I’ve done with the data on a public Tableau I’ve shared here.

    8 Labs, 4 Samples: The Round Robin: The Setup

    The ‘round robin test’ was my first effort at trying to understand what was going on. I wanted to send some samples to the labs to see what they reported. Tests like this are performed and are called proficiency tests, but several labs confided issues they had with how some of the current proficiency tests are run (such as not using cannabis, but a THC-spiked hemp sample).

    I used the public-facing information on OLCC’s website about contact information for all of the accredited labs. I then started calling and emailing the numbers associated with their registration. Initially, 20 labs agreed to test, and I was over the moon.

    Then, of course — reality set in the form of huge budgetary constraints. I talked with my state representative, who agreed that due to what I was doing, crowdfunding, etc. was off the table and he said the only legal way to approach funding was to seek it from the industry itself, unless I could self-fund. I don’t make a lot of money, and the project was going to cost thousands in various expenses — self-funding was out.

    That’s when a lab stepped in to help, and another offered as well. Most labs agreed to waive their testing costs, but it would cost the experiment its ‘blind’ nature (when dropping off the samples, the labs now knew it was related to my project).

    Once all of that happened, and I re-contacted labs to gauge their interest, given how everything had changed. A lot of them dropped out or ghosted me. There were even some that received a sample and didn’t participate. Crazy, huh?

    In the end, I have results from 8 performed on the same 4 samples of material. And I’d say that the data is pretty interesting.

    8 Labs, 4 Samples

    Sample A, B, and C were all flower. Sample A is some of the craziest flower I’ve ever EVER experienced, and I’ve actually written about it before. I even had a lab ask if it was a kiefed batch: that’s how nuts flower A is.

    Sample D was a distillate.

    For all of these samples, I had them homogenized at ChemHistory. Originally I was going to try and build my own homogenizer using some instructions from one of the labs that said they were going to participate — but once they dropped out, I felt free to just ask for some help on this one!

    Homogenization is a very important process for cannabis testing. It’s how a lab ensures that any sample is representative. This is pretty complicated for a plant like cannabis, since potency can be higher in one portion of the plant vs. another. Essentially, everything is ground into tiny bits, and those particles mixed up so much that it can be trusted to be representative of the entirety.

    One of our homogenized samples looked like this:

    Homogenized Cannabis. Image Source: Author.


    There are two sample 2’s because I typo’d the de-identification. Image Source; Author.

    Why didn’t I include THC? Because Total THC is a calculated value, and can be derived from Delta-9 + (THCA*.877).

    Summary Information:

    Image Source: Author.

    You’ll notice that in the original article where I reported this, I don’t make any conclusions or real observations about the data I’m reporting. But I’m going to say something now. For something that is such a ‘science’ there’s a lot of variability in these results. Particularly troubling is Sample C. While I’ve heard that the state has sent run tests similar to this, the fact is, this sort of one-off testing won’t be enough.

    How My Experiment Was Flawed

    Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to ‘blind’ the labs to the fact I was the one submitting cannabis for testing. First, I had to ask them for help to defray the costs. I heard that the state did similar proficiency tests recently, but the mere fact that I heard it is troublesome — the labs were easily able to identify that the samples were being run for OLCC.

    How Do Labs Cheat?

    1. Using Moisture % as a way to alter the number.

    Moisture percentage can impact the THC potency of a sample, and moisture content or moisture percentage is one of the ways that labs are accused of cheating. The impact of this one is going to be pretty slight, but it could be meaningful enough to make the cannabis more viable in the current marketplace. On its own, it’s not going to result in something like the inconsistencies that are seen in Oregon.

    2. Using a different calculation for loss on drying.

    Using a different calculation for loss on drying.

    This is another trick of math that might bump a number a little bit, but not by much. There are two calculations for loss on drying:

    (moisture loss) / (wet or starting weight)

    (moisture loss) / (dry or ending weight)

    These two calculations for loss on drying render slightly different results, and might be a way that labs change the numbers. Again, this will most often be a very subtle change.

    3. Spike the sample.

    There are a lot of ways to spike a sample of cannabis. This behavior ranges from kiefing the batch (which is legal in the state of Oregon for some inscrutable reason) to straight up spiking the sample with distillate or other methods. Each version of spiking a sample comes with a pretty good way of detecting it. For instance, using distillate used to be a popular way of increasing the potency of flower until it became easy to detect by looking at the ratio of delta-9 THC to THCA. The use of THCA isolates is also detectable.

    Spiking samples to get higher potency values is a common and fast way to increase potency for selected results, especially if effective lab audits at the state level are not in place.

    4. Sampling Cheats

    While we’re talking about samples, let’s talk about sampling. Appropriate sampling procedures are supposed to ensure that the sample taken from a cannabis batch is representative of that batch. That doesn’t mean that appropriate sampling procedures are always followed. I’ve heard a variety of stories about this. I’ve heard several versions where a farmer handing a bribe and pre-prepared sample to lab samplers, and I’ve heard of farmers leaving the samplers with some kief and some time.

    While Oregon has recently updated its rules to include more specific information on sampling, it also increased the batch size to 50 pounds from 15.

    5. Swap Samples With Known High Tester

    If you’re going to be nefarious, you might as well go all the way and replace your sampled cannabis with a known high-tester. With some of the crazy machinations I’ve heard about labs doing, this method is both cheap and effective. Highly probable that this isn’t the method used to create the sort of mess we see in Oregon, but still effective enough to cheat.

    6. Using a Standard Known To Give High Results.

    A ‘cannabis testing standard’ is the material that is used to calibrate testing equipment. Many of the least dilute (therefore more effective) standards require DEA licensure (cannabis testing labs are federally illegal laboratories and not eligible for DEA licensure). The more dilute a standard, the more it can impact the results and can give much, much higher potency results. Some standards are known for yielding higher potency results, and some standard companies have failed to respond when clients have raised issues with standard accuracy. ORELAP gives no direction in evaluation of standard for use in testing, nor a list of approved manufacturers.

    Unlike some of the other methods, using a standard would impact every test performed on that piece of equipment.

    7. Calibration ‘Tricks’

    Calibration is what it sounds like — calibrating the lab equipment to accurately reflect found amounts of THC. An intentional miscalibration of the machine would skew all of the results of the machine.

    Most calibration ‘tricks’ would be caught during a thorough audit of the lab’s methods. There is no way, however, to address all of the possible tricks that could be used without a comprehensive audit of the entire preparation of the standard for calibration (there’s those standard issues we talked about again).

    This is another method that would elevate the results for the laboratory as a whole.

    8. Incorrectly Entering Sample Weight for Calculations

    When incorrectly entered with the potency information, the sample weight is enough to wildly impact cannabis potency testing results. While the equipment used to record the mass must be calibrated daily, there is nothing to prevent someone recording a lower overall mass (which would push the potency up), and very few labs have the sort of equipment that interface this information with their lab information system, much less regulatory systems. This is an ‘easy’ cheat, as recording a mass around 10% lower than actual will yield roughly 10% inflation for potency.

    9. The State Doesn’t Stop Them.

    My original article about how labs cheat stopped at eight ways, but here’s the ninth.

    10. Dry Labbing

    In this instance, the lab doesn’t even bother to run the tests, and instead just puts in numbers to satisfy their clients’ needs.

    Which Method Is In Use in Oregon?

    Several lab directors were willing to tell me off the record that most likely, the sort of numbers we are seeing in Oregon indicate a combination of using 6, 7, 8, and 9. It is clear that Oregon’s cannabis lab market right now is a mess. Labs are closing due to the economic impact of the lack of oversight.

    They Don’t Just Lie About Potency

    What I’ve been saying for the last several months is just how if a lab will lie about potency, they’ll lie about pesticides. And it ends up, I’m right.

    In other words, the anti-science behavior of these labs could start costing people their health and lives.

    In a stipulated settlement recently released, a lab that railed to me about other cheaters, joined the coalition! And here is the stipulated settlement against them.

    From Oregon’s Stipulated Settlement.

    The synopsis states: “SYNOPSIS: — A laboratory licensee reported marijuana test samples as “passed” during a period when their equipment was not detecting certain pesticide analytes. Because ORLAP is the agency primarily responsible for overseeing laboratory certification and they elected to recertify this lab even after this issue came to light, OLCC Executive team approved this settlement reduction to a civil penalty or suspension in an effort to act in coordination with our ORLAP partners.”

    This made me laugh, but not in a ha-ha funny kind of way but that horrible empty laugh of someone who is watching something they love be destroyed. Not only does OLCC throw ORELAP under the bus for the lighter penalty, but also spells the agency’s name wrong (at least according to ORELAP’s website). With precision like that, is it a surprise I don’t totally trust them?

    From OLCC Stipulated Settlement.

    But it’s digging for more detail that breaks my heart even more. The settlement states:

    “OAR 845–025–8540(2)(a)(B), (2)(d) — From about
    October 31, 2020 to about February 11, 2021, Licensee
    and/or Licensee’s employees, agents, or representatives
    misrepresented the testing results of marijuana items to
    consumers, licensees, and/or the public when they
    discovered in September or October 2020 that quality
    control measures indicated that their equipment was
    unable to test for several types of pesticides, but
    Licensee and/or Licensee’s employees, agents, or
    representatives nevertheless issued Certificates of
    Analysis stating that the samples did not contain
    actionable levels of any of the pesticides being tested for
    and therefore that the samples passed pesticide testing,
    when in fact several of the pesticides would not have
    been able to have been detected due to the equipment

    In other words, the lab knew from October 2020 until February 2021 that their equipment was INCAPABLE of testing for pesticides, and just passed those tests anyway. And, the state of Oregon did nothing about that until 2022, when they decided that a 32 day suspension would be an appropriate recourse for intentionally endangering consumers.

    Something’s Gotta Give

    There are going to be lawsuits. There are going to be more honest labs that are run out of business. Dishonest labs will continue to use every method in the book to cheat the numbers as much as they like — including hijacking efforts to stop them. When I started all of this work, I mentioned several times I had been threatened by a lab director when I started poking around. This will escalate, because cannabis is a huge, burgeoning industry, and testing is an economic gatekeeper to riches.

    As usual, it will be consumers paying the price with their health in addition to their hard-earned cash.


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    How Fraud is Proliferating in The Cannabis Testing Market

  • Is THC Bad for Cannabis?

    THC Chasing is Killing Honest Growers, Labs, and Retailers

    Provocative, click-baity title, I know, but cannabis lovers — I need your attention because we need to talk about something serious. We aren’t doing right by this plant that gives so much. Chasing the highest THC (‘THC Chasing’) when purchasing at dispensaries has the potential to kill this industry by eliminating the honest growers, labs, and retailers. The obsessive, misguided focus on THC is working against everyone touched by the cannabis industry.

    Cannabis education has never been more important than NOW. We need to teach people about all of the cannabinoids, terpenes, VSC’s, and everything that goes into experiencing cannabis to stop the madness.

    When reported spikes in THC values in the Oregon marketplace came to my attention, I started asking friends and clients within the industry for their thoughts. One thing is for certain — this is a massive elephant in the room, because as soon as I started talking about lab values with the budtenders at my local dispensary, they literally named a lab that they had been seeing high values from. Anecdotes started coming to me about farmers shopping their cannabis in order to find favorable lab results.

    There’s a few things that could be contributing to a spike, and they range from awesome to nefarious:

    54 Green Acres Farm. Image source: Author.

    Oregon weed just is that kick-ass.


    Let’s be clear about one thing, though. Oregon grows EXCEPTIONAL cannabis, and I don’t want to discount that at all. Far from it — I want to be sure that our labs can appropriately quantify the amazing work our growers are able to achieve.

    I can expound on this point for hours, but we grow exceptional cannabis here.

    Cannabis is a Living Thing, and That Always Makes Things Weird


    Cannabis really can be exceptionally varied, and two buds off the same branch can have different test results. Biologicals are strange that way, and it’s a nature of the plant that the material that was tested will vary from the material in the packaging. This is especially true when tests can be performed on very large batches. Think of it this way — if you’re sampling a bit of weed from a 50 pound batch, that’s very different from taking a sample from an ounce from the dispensary.

    Differences in Lab Processes Impact the Findings.

    In the current climate, this is just to be expected!

    A lot of people forget that there are quite a few steps to testing cannabis, and those that work testing cannabis can’t just ‘pop a bud in’ and see what is in it. One of the most important is a step called homogenization, which is where the sample is processed to the point that it can be effectively mixed and sampled. The way that labs perform this process is varied, and can range from grinding it up to something far more proprietary.

    This step is essential to ensuring appropriate sampling methods, and can introduce variability in lab results. When this is coupled with nuances on how instruments are calibrated, the impact has the potential to be significant.

    Errors in Process

    Also to be expected, but too many errors indicate a deeper process issue!

    People make mistakes! What’s important is that labs have processes with checks built in.

    Producers are Intentionally Engaging in Behavior to Spike their Results.

    Kiefing the batch — Not Great. Lab shopping? Nefarious.

    This ranges from ‘kiefing the batch’ (where kief is redistributed over batches for testing) to producer sampling where they pick the best buds from their flower. I would also include lab shopping itself under this, as well as putting pressure on lab employees to give them a better number.

    Rogue Labs are Intentionally Producing Higher THC Results.

    Super bad nefariousness, and it can have impacts on patient safety, in addition to impacting those who have to transport hemp.

    Labs are performing calibrations and other adjustments that are within the scope of regulation but still allow a change of up to 30% in some results. There are apparently other methods where outright falsification can occur.

    Is Something Going On?

    Photo by Girl with red hat on Unsplash

    I’ve talked to around fifty people in the industry and I’m going to say yes, but without a comprehensive project to eliminate laboratory nuances as the cause, it’s hard to say exactly what for certain.

    We know that this has happened before, and this is where the obsession with THC has become deleterious for the cannabis industry. I’ve been talking with laboratories, farmers, and retailers in an effort to take on a project to get to the bottom of the variances.

    One thing is for certain — because THC has become such a valued number by retailers, it is highly prone to manipulation.

    I’ve written about the results of ORELAP’s 2019 audit of labs before, and I wasn’t surprised to hear about this practice again. The 2019 audit found several gaps in Oregon’s implementation and had a series of 23 recommendations aimed to righting the course. As a medical patient, it’s unsettling how we were used to help legalize cannabis, yet our health and access to medication is no longer of import to the cannabis industry. This is laid bare by the gaps in the regulations that allow cannabis to be sold to medical patients without testing at all. While the lack of heavy metals and microbiological testing across both medical and recreational are distressing (and have been supposedly addressed in recent regulations), it isn’t as distressing as the fourth finding: “Without a mechanism for verifying test results, Oregon’s marijuana testing program cannot ensure that test results are reliable and products are safe. Limited authority, inadequate staffing, and inefficient processes reduce OHA’s ability to ensure Oregon marijuana labs consistently operate under accreditation standards and industry pressures may affect lab practices and the accuracy of results”

    So, what does this mean? A recent paper found that there is statistical evidence of spikes around 20% THC (an economically relevant number) in Nevada and Washington, and used the conclusions to highlight the necessity of industry oversight.

    The data in the paper above reflected Washington state cannabis lab results from 2014 to 2017. Since then, in Washington state, some laboratories are members of a coalition called the Cannabis Alliance. While the alliance has a broad mission and is comprised of people from across the industry (including patients!), one of the alliance’s many accomplishments was running intra-lab round-robin activities.

    Because of the pressure on labs, producers, and retailers around THC percentages, the THC obsession is creating a toxic marketplace in which those that want to engage in fair business practices are being left behind. There are several ways that this can be addressed on the industry-level. One of the fastest and most effective would be for cannabis laboratories to form coalitions to self-regulate within the industry and to help brand products that had been tested using the set of standards they create.

    What Can Consumers Do?

    Get to know the Farms, Labs, and Retailers in Your State / Area

    The most meaningful change would be if we, the consumer, began to make our voices heard regarding the importance of accurate testing. Begin to understand the testing rules in your area, and start to familiarize yourself with the farms, labs, and retailers that give you the experience you are seeking.

    Educate others on the world beyond THC

    Cannabis has so much to offer, and THC is only one tiny piece of the experience. It’s important that those of us that know of the many aspects of this plant help others to discover the world of cannabis beyond just THC. We have to help people realize that THC is like ABV in wine. Yes, it’s an informative number — but it’s not wholly indicative of the experience, and it shouldn’t become the sole driver of this important industry.

    What do YOU think?

    Article Sources:

    Leading Cannabis Platform Providers Form Open Standards Technology Alliance in State of Washington
    SEATTLE, Oct. 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Cultivera, Dauntless, GrowFlow, OpenTHC, POSaBit, Treez (DBA Mister Kraken in…
    The frequency distribution of reported THC concentrations of legal cannabis flower products…
    Background Cannabis laboratory testing reliability is a scientific and policy challenge in US states with legal…
    Variation in cannabis potency and prices in a newly legal market: evidence from 30 million cannabis…
    Rosanna Smart , Jonathan
    Cannabis Lab Testing Continues to Evolve in Washington | Continuing Education
    The cannabis industry in Washington State has gone through a considerable evolution since the first recreational store…
    Manipulation of Procurement Contracts: Evidence from the Introduction of Discretionary Thresholds
    Manipulation of Procurement Contracts: Evidence from the Introduction of Discretionary Thresholds by Ján Palguta and…
    40% THC Flower?! How Lab Shopping and THC Inflation Cheat Cannabis Consumers
    A landmark Leafly review finds endemic lab shopping and THC inflation in legal cannabis, five years into… You Know What’s in Your “Legal” CBD or THC Vape?
    It’s been more than two years since frightening stories of young people rushed to emergency rooms with severe breathing…
    Can Washington fix its broken cannabis lab testing system?
    Nearly five years after the first legal sales of adult-use cannabis in Washington, lawmakers and regulators seem to…
    Hemp’s stumbles reveal hurdles in Wyoming’s race to diversify – WyoFile
    Thanks for your support of WyoFile! We rely on loyal members like you to sustain our reporting and grow the WyoFile…

    By Jamie Toth, The Somewhat Cyclops on .

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    Exported from Medium on December 20, 2021.

  • Terpene Education

    I’ve been working on a series of articles featured on my Medium account about terpenes.

    I also plan to expand these articles into a larger reference work for other medical cannabis patients that I plan to make available as an ebook and some special editions in print. Watch this space for more!

  • Why I love Pilates (Contrology)

    Not a great fashion accessory but handy for holding pens.

    I tore my ACL into three pieces when I was 16. Because I had a terrible surgeon, I spent most of my senior knee in an immobilizer. The terrible job done by the second rate hack surgeon came back to roost in 2003, when I had to have two surgeries to fix the damage: the first to remove all the horrible hardware the initial surgeon put in (most too large for my bone structure) and to band the bones from all of the fractures, and the second to reconstruct the knee ligaments as best as the new knee surgeon could. All of this knee talk is to say that I initially found out about Pilates’ system of Contrology in my 20’s, when I went looking for an exercise regimen I could participate in between those two surgeries. I found Pilates’ system when I went looking for something that was “little to no impact” ( to help me after so much injury) while still being effective.

    Once I had taken my search to the internet to figure out the best sort of exercises (trust me this was a weird approach in 2003), I stumbled on the work of Joseph Pilates. The more I read, the more I knew that his system was the sort of exercise I wanted to try, and after consulting with my knee surgeon and physical therapist I was certain. If you want to learn Pilates’ system of exercise, you absolutely should (and do check with those medical professionals!), because you might love it for the same reasons I do.

    Nearly no equipment = relatively cheap hobby.

    I have a beautiful mat (I think). Other than that, I bring myself to the mat. I have a video that I’ve bought four times now, of some great soloists performing the exercises, but other than that, I haven’t invested any money in Pilates. You can absolutely go the route of going to the studio. I might one day seek out one of the lineages instructors, but I don’t feel a pressing need to do so — the exercises are straight forward. Plus, these days we have Youtube, and you can actually just watch Romana Kryzanowska lead a class and talk about Pilates.

    But — once you understand the exercises and their order you don’t even need a video! was Pilates’ greatest student, and this class includes Peter Fiasca, who is an amazing pilates soloist and one of the folks from my favorite Pilates demonstration video.

    When they say little or no impact, they mean little or no impact.

    It’s that simple — the mat exercises do not include heavy impact on the joints, which really makes it a great set of exercises. Even with my knee as bad as it was, I was still able to perform modifications on most exercises. And speaking of those modifications . . .

    Image by Jelena Đekić from Pixabay

    Exercises are adaptable for every skill level.

    What’s great about the Pilates system that I use is that it’s the same exercises in the same order (I have a lot of theories on why my psychology is such that I crave that sort of repetition and predictability in my exercises), and they are very modifiable for anyone.

    There’s always a way to challenge yourself.

    Even with as many years as I’ve been doing the hundred and the teaser, I still see room for improvement. Once I start feeling pretty confident, I change the exercises to the more challenging version.

    It takes a lot of joints through a huge range of motion.

    All of the exercises are meant to ‘challenge the position of your powerhouse’ but to fire up that core, it takes moving your legs and arms quite a bit. This is astounding for not only stretching, but strengthening as well.

    It’s fast.

    I can clock in a significantly challenging Pilates mat workout in a bit over a half an hour for the mat exercises. If you want even MORE of Pilates’ Contrology in your life, you can look into an apparatus like the Reformer. In his works, Joseph Pilates emphasized consistency, and highly encouraged daily mat workouts.

    The breath-centered exercises of Pilates can help center the mind.

    Joseph Pilates emphasized the importance of the flow of the breath during the exercises. Many are dictated by the flow of the breath, and would be challenging if you weren’t constantly working with the breath. All of this focus on the breath helps center my mind.

    Hopefully these seven reasons help encourage you to discover the work of Joseph Pilates — you can grab a mat and find a good workout routine on Youtube — I hope it brings as much to your life as it has brought to mine!

    By Jamie Toth, The Somewhat Cyclops on .

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    Exported from Medium on December 5, 2021.

  • Sitting With Trauma: Lessons Collected on My Meditation Journey

    Progress can sometimes feel like suffering when you’re in the middle of it

    Image Source: Author

    If people ask me how much I meditate, I’ll be coy about it — as if it’s a secret, personal experience shared between the universe and me. Too many people are carrying trauma as we endure the ravages of a pandemic, so I feel it’s important to share some of the lessons I’ve collected during my decades-long, practice of meditation with PTSD.

    I can attest that meditation can help with trauma — I can also attest that the wrong approach can hurt.

    Medical Disclaimer: I’m not a medical professional and of COURSE I think you should seek professional help if you are able. If you are seeking therapy, especially about trauma, please discuss meditation practices with your therapist. Please, be aware that any tool that is powerful enough to help you to heal can also be harmful. Be cognizant and cautious when embarking on a new path.

    If one type of meditation feels like it’s harmful or you’re certain it’s not for you, you can try others.

    People have a tendency to talk about meditation as if their form of meditation is the only one, and that it is good for every situation in their lives. When a new practitioner tries that method and it doesn’t work for them or ‘feel right’ — that can be discouraging! Maybe Buddha gained enlightenment by sitting still under a bodhi tree, but were you born a prince? Be open to the fact that doing what someone else did might not be your path.

    When I first tried to meditate, I was convinced by someone that meditation meant sitting absolutely still and thinking about NOTHING. I was miserable doing it, I was terrible at it, and I never really got better because I hated meditating that way. Luckily, I wasn’t discouraged for long and continued to seek other ways to meditate.

    It is valid to listen to what your mind (and body) tell you during your meditation sessions (it is also valid to let it go and sit as still as humanly possible if that’s your meditation practice). The difference for me as someone who sits with trauma is that if I find myself having an extreme reaction (rage, fear, anxiety), I prioritize giving that emotion space over arbitrary rules dictating what I’m doing.

    It was by allowing myself to understand this was a practice of self-care and self-compassion that I was able to allow meditation to become less rigid. Paradoxically, I became more disciplined.

    If you find yourself having adverse reactions to silence, try a guided meditation!

    Do you struggle to sit still while meditating and hate it? Lay down. I do! Or, try walking meditation!

    Do you find your mind wandering far too much to control it? Try mantra meditation!

    Do you crave the utter discipline of zazen? Then do it!

    Does mindfulness bring trauma to the surface or make you feel awful? Try a breathing meditation! Are you preparing for a huge goal? Use some meditation time to visualize what it will be like when you achieve it.

    Feel free to change your meditation techniques to deepen your practice, and discover your favorites! You’ll discover a variety of meditation techniques with a large array of uses.

    Meditation is not a panacea that will solve all of life’s problems.

    Photo by Magic Bowls on Unsplash

    Meditation hasn’t solved all of my problems for me, that’s for sure. But meditation has helped me recognize times when I am being a problem. It is one of my go-to tools, and it’s become a meaningful part of my life.

    It took a long time for me to understand what types of meditation would help me to work with some of the issues I was facing — and I even found that some meditation techniques made things worse. There have been times that my ‘inability to meditate in the right way’ made me feel more broken as a person, or even put me into situations where I was retraumatizing myself because I was insistent it was the cure that I needed. I’m not alone — there have been many studies across several meditation disciplines that demonstrate that meditation can sometimes increase anxiety and depression.

    Because of my PTSD, I found that mindfulness could feel perilous. When I would try to mindfully focus on my breath and sensations in my body, it would trigger memories or powerful waves of emotion that I wasn’t able to handle. If I was in any sort of pain I risked spending the entire session falling into that pain.

    More than once during a particularly intense period of working with different types of pranayama, a breath-based meditation, I collided with emotions so intense I had to pause in order to have a good cry while processing them. While meditation didn’t cure the trauma I was experiencing, it helped me to understand and recognize that while I was processing these large emotions — at that moment I was safe to do so.

    Meditation itself isn’t a cure — it’s a powerful tool of self-discovery, and that can lead to healing.

    Relationships with meditation might be filled with oddities and challenges.

    This can manifest itself in many different ways — from how long you sit to what you do while you’re sitting.

    David Lynch swears by his regular practice of 2 20 minute sessions of full-on bliss a day, and who the hell am I to argue with that? My personal experience is different — sometimes one formal 20-minute session is so far from bliss it leaves me so exhausted and frustrated with myself that my consciousness rebels at the thought of a second session.

    When I encountered the Dark Night of the Soul, I was so profoundly shaken by the feeling that even meditation had abandoned me, too that I had to take a few weeks off before even trying a tentative practice again. It has been years since that experience, and while I have learned many lessons from that experience and embrace it as a particularly dark and harrowing part of the journey — I am still wary about re-traumatizing myself in that way.

    That’s when I remind myself that meditation is my practice — it’s all in my head. It’s okay if my relationship with it is different and odd — I am different and odd.

    Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

    Recognize when you’re in your own way.

    I know my enemy quite well, and when it comes to meditation — that enemy is, of course, me. For a while, before I engaged in some focused, self-compassion meditation, I found it hard to ‘make time to sit.’

    After taking some time and examining what was happening, I discovered the common ways I’d disrupt myself. I would insist that my space ‘wasn’t good’ for meditation and that I’d have to wait until I could make it better.

    Or I’d convince myself that the time wasn’t perfect because I was waiting on something. Or, I’d launch into ‘serious self-inquiry,’ asking myself whether I was REALLY meditating if there’s a bunch of noise, I’m expecting an email I need to respond to, and I wasn’t seated just so in front of that perfect altar in that peaceful space?


    There are times when my meditation needs a boost when I will go all out, build a quick, impromptu altar, and relish that experience. It is a definite treat experience — but after some practice, I’m also just as capable of meditating to the noises of traffic.

    People, even the wisest of gurus, often want their way to be the way that helps you because humans love to solve problems, and that’s true for meditation, too. Sometimes, those people are wrong.

    Mindfulness meditation was a great teacher of this lesson for me. I struggled with mindfulness meditation, finding it particularly difficult for me to reconcile with my PTSD. My sessions would often leave me spiraling. That surprises people, especially its ardent practitioners. The fact I had this sort of reaction and difficulty helped teach me that sometimes when passionate people think something will help — they’ll oversell it a little (or, you know, a lot).

    This includes me!

    Maybe it is as simple for you as using an app. Maybe Vipassana is as amazing as they say and I’m just broken or not disciplined enough.

    I can’t say what works for someone else — but I can say for certain I have noticed the ‘law of the instrument’(to a person with a hammer everything’s a nail) holds true in the meditation space.

    It is the practice itself, and not its perceived results that matter.

    It really is that simple.

    But to put a finer point on it — it’s often very hard to see our meditative progress. This is especially true after challenging sessions that bring up trauma that needs to be processed, or exhausting sessions that don’t offer the bliss we were seeking. Because meditation is all in our mind, it’s easy to lose sight of the progress made by sitting at all. Progress can sometimes feel like suffering when you’re in the middle of it.

    When feelings of frustration overwhelm my ability to see my own progress, reminding myself that it’s the practice itself that is important helps me to relax into the process more.

    I hope that these lessons help those looking to add meditation to their lives or deepen a practice that’s already present.

    Take care of yourselves!

    Sources , Other Experiences, and Reads I Enjoyed:

    Adverse events in meditation practices and meditation-based therapies: a systematic review by M. Farias, E. Maraldi, K. C. Wallenkampf, G. Lucchetti.

    Can mindfulness be too much of a good thing? The value of a middle way Willoughby B Britton.

    Lost in Thought: The Psychological Risks of Meditation by David Kortava.

    Buddhist Meditation and the Dark Night of the Soul on

    First, do no harm: An intensive experience sampling study of adverse effects to mindfulness training by AnnaAizik-Reebs Adi Shoham Amit Bernstein

    By Jamie Toth, The Somewhat Cyclops on .

    Canonical link

    Exported from Medium on December 5, 2021.